Gymnastics Holiday Courses
This activity is designed for children to practice Gymnastics moves in an organized and friendly environment to enhance their physical skills. Gymnastic activities involve working in groups on all areas of equipment, supervised by qualified coaches at all times. Additionally there are fun games, races and more.
Come along and enjoy the fun!

9:00 am-12:00 pm
12:30 pm-3:30 pm
£ 20.00 per 3 hour session

Southend Gymnastics reserves the right to cancel any course should there be insufficient demand, or to make other alterations to the course programme, should the need arise. If it should be necessary to cancel courses due to insufficient demand, full refunds will be given.
Please note that no other refunds will be given, and Holiday courses are not transferable.
Parents information
– Please do not arrive any earlier than 8.50 am as the gym centre will not open before that time.
– Gymnasts may wear T-Shirt’s, Shorts, leggings, leotards or any other comfortable clothing. Please no jeans or trousers with buttons or zips.
– Please ensure ALL gymnasts bring a drink. No glass bottles please and preferably no fizzy drinks!
– Please do not allow children to wear watches or any other jewellery. This has to be removed before the sessions start.
– Children with long hair should have it secured back with either a soft band or similar object.
– Please understand that we cannot cater for children who “turn up on the day” without prior booking, as all groups are structured with a specific number of children allocated to each member of staff. You may contact us by phone prior to the course starting to see if there are any spaces available.
We will not compromise our own safety ratio of Coaches: children under any circumstances.
All courses must be booked & paid for at least one week prior to the actual course selected.
As there are limited spaces remaining on each course to secure your child’s space please completing our Online Form Click here and make a payment using the following link: Click here
Please note that no other refunds will be given, and Holiday courses are not transferable.
If your child suffers from asthma/hayfever etc please ensure that they bring their own inhalers and make sure that you inform the staff of any medical/physical problems.
Should you have any questions concerning these courses, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email.
- Fun
- Educational
- Enjoyable